Monday, August 11, 2008

Life Lessons

Why is it that we feel there are not enough hours in a day? In today's society we want things now and faster with little information as possible as long as it is a quick fix to our seemingly mundane lives.
Of course everything should be solved by taking that one little pill….right? In the real world life does not work that way but we continue to push the limits rushing to go nowhere and when getting to where “X” marks the spot, our enjoyment is short lived and off we go to find our next high or that next score.
Stay in the present and let tomorrow take care of itself. This word of wisdom is a familiar one but seldom ever practiced. To have a fulfilling and blessed life one must understand first that our life is a blessing within itself so appreciate all that you have. Realize, at this moment, there is no one in this world like you and that you are unique in every way from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet.
Listen to your inner spirit, higher power, or intuition as you may call it. We are all born with this ability to commune with that “something” longing to be apart of our lives if only we take the time to listen. Many of our great inventors, teachers, orators and other influential people of the past centuries and the present have taken the time to listen, learn and share the knowledge that only the universe is so anxious to give.
You have a very important part to play in this world so don't be in such a hurry to try to “beat” the next person because you will get to where it is you are supposed to be in that given place and time. Enjoy the journey, the moment, the lessons to be learned for there will be many but remember life is a marathon and not a sprint. For this one truth teaches the value of perseverance in having had reached that goal.
Forgive without thought of how it will affect the other person because then it becomes a gesture of what is the payoff. That is selfishness and it has no place in the universe when desiring all the good in this present life.
Never be afraid to ask for help, even as impossible as it sounds… one knows everything but we do know some things.
Finally, learn to love. Not only give love but receive it as well. Also, do not limit it to just those in your close circle but all peoples for we are all connected in some way, shape or form. It is true that what you put out does come back to you and the greatest of these is Love.

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