Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Enjoying the Silence

Self realization. That term can send shivers down even those who consider themselves mentally tough. To take an inventory of who you are inside can be quite difficult for that mirror tends to be harsh at times but if one sincerely wishes to become a better person in this life, it is counted as courageous resulting in the rebirth of a better person.
Take a moment out of your day without the television, radio, computer, etc. and focus inward. Become reacquainted with your internal self. It is true that no one knows you better than you and to change undesirable habits, thoughts and prejudices while having faith that once these demons are confronted they can be destroyed with honest and sincere intentions to becoming a better person.
Meditation is a great way to accomplish this because it not only quiets the mind of all day to day activities but it helps with focusing on the inward man who truly wishes to change.
Believe it or not, all the questions to how your life and your place in this world can be answered by looking within. Learn to embrace the silence and quiet your mind so that you can get the answers to reach your full potential and greatness.

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